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I'm a regular guest expert for a variety of programmes and publications - with outlets ranging from Radio 4's Today Programme to BBC Click to TechCrunch. The areas I specialise in include:

- Non-gaming VR
- Immersive media ethics & moral panic
- Female audiences for digital products 
- Women in tech & VR
- Theatre techniques to develop digital products 


I've authored government agency reports on the state of the immersive sector and do occasional guest lecturers, having previous lectured at universities including The Royal College of Art, The University of Warwick and The University of Leeds.

I've been a judge for a selection of industry awards including The British Animation Awards, Raindance Film Festival, The VR Expo 2018 and Sheffield Documentary Festival's Interactive Award. 


I occasionally write for Wired magazine on topics including VR ethics and VR's relationship with culture and society. 

Catherine's views in the press

"Perhaps it feels like the moment that painting changed from being a collection of symbols to having perspective…are we in the equivalent renaissance moment?”

BBC Click, April 2016


Catherine is a BAFTA-winning, immersive media specialist, consulting on and creating VR, AR and app products. She has been responsible for a range of high profile digital entertainment products including BBC No Small Talk and Easter Rising: Voice of a Rebel.

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© Created in 2017 by Catherine Allen


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